Cubby College Child Care Centre

Some of our best aspects

Operational Hours

Cubby College Chile Care Centre is open from 7am-6pm, 52 weeks per year and only closing on public holidays to cater for working and busy parent schedules.

Small Group Rooms

Cubby College caters for 56 children per day, allowing for small cubby room group environments for children to learn and develop great peer relationships.

Safety & Security

Attention to detail has been given in many areas by providing a safe and secure environment with high door handles and security gates surrounding the centre, with only enrolled parents having security access into the building.

The Outdoors

Ample shaded outdoor areas are provided for the children to comfortably play and run around during outdoor activities. Landscaping surrounds the yard with a balance of soft fall, synthetic grass and natural space with vegetable gardens for the children to enjoy natural experiences. children have the opportunity to climb, slide, ride bikes and cars, play in cubby houses and sand pits.

girl in family daycare in concord


Besides the children's weekly use this is used on special occasions show casting our amazing children's performances.

Outdoor Dining

The children join together and share their delicious meals outside. By doing this the children get to enjoy the many health benefits to eating outdoors such as improved vision, promotes positive social skills, increases attention span and reduces stress.

Off Street & Undercover Parking

For easy access to the child care centre for parents/guardians, the undercover parking comes in very handy especially on rainy days.

Personal Chef

The children also get to enjoy the benefits of having their own personalised chef who strives to meet all the children's nutritional needs on a weekly basis.

Finalists & Positive Quality Rating

In 2015 and only 2 years young, the daycare centre achieved a rating of meeting in all quality areas while becoming a finalist in the Local Business awards.

Ready to find out more?

Drop us a line today for more information!